Sunday 4 March 2012

The Recording Studio

A couple of years ago, former student Pavel involved me in one of his animation projects for a student assignment. Just a few weeks ago, he was back in touch, this time with a bigger undertaking - as part of his final work towards his degree.

We met in the morning and headed to the recording studio at Óčko, the Czech music television channel. I was quite excited - although I had recorded in a studio before, previously it was only a couple of minutes before the experience was all over.

Being a Sunday, the studio was all but deserted, although was still somehow very warm. Pavel's project involved three voice actors, one of whom was me, my friend Angela also took part, and we took turns recording bits and pieces in the studio itself. Between times we relaxed with coffee and read through the scripts to try to get it just right.

The recording itself was reasonably straightforward; just delivering the lines, occasionally having to repeat them with more passion, more belief, more conviction! It was a good buzz to be there, and a unique experience - but if you ever get the chance, remember to take lots of water - it's very hot in there, even in winter!

This post will be updated with a link when the finished product is published online.

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